Prayer At Tremont
Prayer to TremontAnd I ask for TremontsWaters to flow over meAnd to cleanse meAnd to make me whole againAs I stand by the pool that is Tremont.And I ask for TremontsPool to fill my ears and sight and...
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WOW! This is SOME poetry! MrLeslie."
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Sola this was a terrific presentation in words and thought and prayer. So vivd a journey that I felt the waters coolness. Pictures enhanced the read. Great work.. Deb
View ArticleRe: Prayer At Tremont
This caught my eye because I grew up on Tremont St. I really enjoyed finding this.It is absolutely gorgeous poetryand I printed it to save. Thanks.
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Powerful words and message,I felt I could see the journey you weretaking. Such vivid imagery and moving expression.And the cold of the waters seem numbing.blessing, sharon
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Thank you all for your comments."There was only the sound of water over pebbles to an unknown destination...water that made a tummult drowing the sound of human voices."- Loren Eiseley in "Man in the...
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Sola, I enjoyed this, and I do want to thank you for the places quoted being shown. Good work.Wanda
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Well, Townsend is known as the quiet side of the Smokies.Gatlinburg is a tourist trap....and Pigeon Forge......people who hate Pigeon it Poison get to the pool of...
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Excellent telling of water's travels, and its journey of sculpting stone with wind and waves the rocks are shaped, turned tilted and tumbled dry to sun upon a nearby shore.
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